Refunds & Revisions


To be eligible under RocketEcomAds Refunds and Returns Policy, a product must be invalid or unfit for brands use. An example of this may include typing errors, change of sound or other minor change requests of this nature. This policy does not regard factors such as change of mind, products results or change of product.

If you are unable to contact us from the email address that originally received of the product, we will require a screenshot of the email including the order number or any other proof of purchase to confirm that you are the recipient of the goods delivered.


Our refund policy at RocketEcomAds is very simple.
If asked for a refund within 12 hours of ordering, we will happily issue you a refund. The reason the refund window is so small is because we begin working on your videos right away to have them delivered within 7 business days.

Once a video is created, there are no refunds. All videos created and delivered to clients of are nonrefundable because there is no way for us to recoup our costs once we have created the video.

Although our strict refund policy, we also offer free revisions within 48 hours of delivery to ensure our customers are happy with the end result of their video.


Refunds are also ineligible for the following:
– Change of mind
– Order delays
– Change of product

For any questions related to refunds, email


For minor faults or small changes for customers orders, we accept exchanges for free revised content within 48 hours of the customer receiving goods.

note that change of mind or change of product after delivery is also invalid to a revision.

If you would like to request an exchange, you can fill in our contact form to get in touch with us.


Contact Us

For more information regarding refunds, returns, exchanges or more, contact us via email.


Last modified: April 7, 2024